Chicken, aubergines andricotta roulades
Simple second plate, tasty and creative, perfect for all family.
The roulades are delicious when hot, but also cold they maintaintheir flavour and become a fanciful appetizer, ideal for theSummer season.

Course: Main course

Chicken, aubergines andricotta roulades
This recipe is particularly appreciated by kids for itsdelicate taste, but good for everyone.
The roulades, combined with rice, can be a complete meal
Aubergine preparation
Wash the aubergine and cut it in slice of 1cm thick, so put them to soak with abundant water and salt for 5 minutes;
Drain the slices and dry them off with kitchen paper;
Warm up a pan with abundant extra virgin olive oil without let it smoking and leave the slices cook over medium-low heat, turningthem a couple of times until they are fied/brown off;
When cooked, put the slices on a blotting paper and salt them as you wish. When they have lost the oil (hint: fry the aubergines aday before so they can dry well), you can start the preparation of roulades.
Roulades preparation
Cut the chicken breast in thin slices, not bigger than the aubergine's ones;
Pour the breadcrumbs on a wide flat plate, lay down the aubergine's slices and on top of these the chicken breast;
Add salt and pepper, then add baked ham and a bit of ricotta;
Roll the aubergine's slices and fasten them with a toothpick or with a skewer. Use the other two toothpick to close the sides of theshell in order to not let the ricotta go out during the cooking/baking;
Put in the oven preheated at 200° for 15 minutes.
Plate composition
Eventually, place the roulades on a bed of raw mixed vegetables.