Ricotta and chocolate cake
An explosion of flavor and delicacy. A soft cake with an intense taste that you can enjoy as dessert, breakfast or as a snack!

Course: Dessert

Ricotta and chocolate cake
To obtain a stronger taste and a thin crispy surface, you can try to cover the cake with melted and tempered dark chocolate, instead of dusting the powdered sugar on.
Another matching is the classic whipped cream: an evergreen that never deludes!
Preparing the dough
Melt the butter using a microwave at low power (500 watt). Make the same thing with the Dark Chocolate. Alternatively, you can melt the two ingredients in a water bath, paying attention not to warm them up too much (The ideal temperature is around 110 °F (45 °C));
Join the butter to the melted chocolate little by little using a spatula and mixing it energetically. Keep the compound hot until use;
Strain the Elda Ricotta using a strainer and a spoon;
Take a bowl and amalgamate eggs and sugar using a whip. Once obtained a homogeneous and frothy dough join the strained Elda Ricotta little by little;
Strain the flour, the yeast and the cocoa in another bowl and mix. Add the “eggs and sugar compound” to the “flour and cocoa compound” mixing it well from the center to the edges of the bowl and from bottom to top, until you will incorporate the whole thing.
Composing the cake
Verse the compound into a silicon mold or into a buttered and floured cake pan (with 22 cm in diameter or a comparable one);
Bake at 330 °F (165 °C) for 35-40 minutes. If it is possible, use a ventilate oven;
Once cooled down, dust with some powdered sugar before serving and decorate as you prefer;
You can keep your cake in the fridge for at least 2 days.