Salmon roses with ricotta on crosted black bread
Alternatively to the salmon you should try to choose asmoked rainbow trout, low in fat, firmer and dryer.

Course: Starter

Salmon roses with ricotta on crosted black bread
A creative idea to decorate your plate? Try with a bit ofextra virgin oil emulsified with some saffron powder andyou won’t regret it!
Preparing ricotta with chives
Tent your Elda Ricotta with a strainer, then join it to your Elda Ricotta Spreadable;
Grate on the compound the ½ untreated lemon zest and add the chives (roughly chopped), salt an pepper;
Leave the compound to rest in the fridge pro about 30 minutes.
Preparing the salmon roses
In the meanwhile take your salmon slices, cut it into slices of 3 cm width and lay them on a dish;
Dress the salmon slices with little oil an;
After the time set for the ricotta mixture, spread it on the salmon slices and then roll the latter into small roses.
Plate composition
With a round pastry cutter, cut two croutons from each slice of black bread;
Put a tuft of ricotta mixture on each crouton and then place a salmon rose on top.