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Servings: 6 Difficulty: Facile

Sbrisolona cake and Ricomisù foam

A traditional dessert, with an unusual, but surprising combination.

Course: Dessert

sbrioslona con mascarpone

Sbrisolona cake and Ricomisù foam

Difficulty: Facile Preparation time 75 mins
Servings: 6 Calories: -


A little tip: wet sbrisolona with a drop of grappa.


For the Ricomisù foam

For the Sbrisolona cake


For the Ricomisù foam

  1. Combine cream and Ricomisù, mix with a whisk and insert into a small siphon with 2 fillers.

For the Sbrisolona cake

  1. Combine all the ingredients and mix without creating homogeneity.
  2. Put the dough on a plate leaving it separate and cook at 160 ° C for 45 minutes.

Composition of the dish

  1. In a glass, place the crumbled sbrisolona cake at the base, a spoonful of jam and finish with the Ricomisù foam.