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Tiramisù with Mascarpone Elda

His Majesty the Tiramisù, the most famous Italian dessert in the world, made with our mascarpone.

Course: Dessert

Tiramisù with Mascarpone Elda

Difficoltà: Beginner Tempo di preparazione 45 min Porzioni: 4 Calorie: -


Try the classic tiramisu recipe using Elda mascarpone, it will be a delicious dessert to share with your guests.


For Mascarpone cream


  1. Whip the eggs with sugar and Marsala. Add the mascarpone and mix.
  2. Per ultima inserire la colla di pesce sciolta in pochissima acqua calda.
  3. Put the melted fish glue in hot water.
  4. Wet the savoiardi or ladyfingers with water and coffee and whip the cake.
  5. Sprinkle with cocoa powder.